There are worse pigs for a human to deal with than Ms. Kiddo. Francis, here, is the most difficult pig to groom. He's incredibly squirmy, so as I held him, trying to clip his nails, he was working very hard to make sure that didn't happen. He managed to get himself upside down and work himself down my arm.
But he really does make himself look like a damn fool.
His sister, Wheezy Jefferson, is the most dramatic of the lot. When getting her nails clipped, she squeals, grunts and uses her little legs and body to try to lift herself out of my hands. In the pictures below, she's looking over my arm, perhaps weighing her options--submitting, taking a jump and hoping for the best or intentional suicide. Maybe Sam (pictured in the background) is communicating to her "Jump, I'll catch you," but she, in the end, acquiesced to my superior strength.

His sister, Wheezy Jefferson, is the most dramatic of the lot. When getting her nails clipped, she squeals, grunts and uses her little legs and body to try to lift herself out of my hands. In the pictures below, she's looking over my arm, perhaps weighing her options--submitting, taking a jump and hoping for the best or intentional suicide. Maybe Sam (pictured in the background) is communicating to her "Jump, I'll catch you," but she, in the end, acquiesced to my superior strength.
1 comment:
joann said..
You have difficult, stubborn little ones too!! I can't believe how big Francis has gotten, he looks wonderful. Wheezy Jefferson is a typical little girl, ah all the drama.
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