Then the giant hurts her ten times with some sort of contraption that takes off parts of her body. Kiddo did not give the giant leave to do this. The giant takes it upon herself. And why exactly, does the giant do this? Kiddo wonders if the giant is using her body parts to cast spells for world domination or flavor her food with them. This offends Kiddo. Even though she has been known to headbutt her cagemates, she works very hard to live a life of peace and is not pleased that parts of herself are being used for evil. Is this all some sort of terrible plot with disastrous consequences for all of pig-kind?
Or could she just be getting her damn nails clipped?
Either way, the eye doesn't lie.
Ah...was it only days ago that she was starting a revolution against the tyranny of the interest-mongers? Look at how happy she was fighting evil. Now she's a victim herself (albeit of a different sort).
When you say your bedtime prayers tonight, Kiddo asks you to remember her.
joann said...
Kiddo looks like Nikola when Luka is bothering him, giving that look!!! Oh what you had put her through, she'll need all the prayers for you to stay away from her next time!!!
Good to know that the veritable giant picking Kiddo up doesn't eat it's own poop!
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