Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Many Piggies...

are hiding in this igloo?

The Ladies were enjoying some playtime in Sam's cage until I ruined by looking at them. Certain that death was imminent, the only place to hide was Sam's igloo (Sam, himself, doesn't spend much time in there. He's a pig who thrives on excitement and spits in Danger's eye--although, I don't think guinea pigs can spit, but if he could, he would. He embodies the idea of it, anyway.)

The Ladies...well, they will probably always believe that the soup pot is their final destination. No amount of organic food, pillows and big cages will ever change their minds. Victim mentalities, all of them! Yet, they are all my best friends when food is around.

Anyhoo, how many are taking the scaredy-cat route?

That there is four little ladies (from bottom of picture to top-Kiddo, Swoosie, Wheezy Jefferson and Isabella), packed into a little igloo built for one. All five have actually piled in an igloo before, but this time Ina decided that she had better things to do than to cater to a Wimp's Way of Life.
She was having a tete-a-tete with Sam. Perhaps, there was some whispered flirting or Romeo and Juliet dialogue, since the two will never get closer than this. Maybe it was a scientific conversation about global warming and fretting over the hay and lettuce crops. Perhaps Sam was dispensing the advice acquired as an Elder Statesman. Perhaps its merely a mystery.

But whatever those two discussed, Ina did not take kindly to her sister, Isabella, busting up the party. The moment, I lifted the igloo, Belle-Belle made a run for it. Unfortunately for her, she had no where else to hide. She chose to make a spot for herself underneath Ina. This sent Ina off to another part of the cage in a huff, Belle-Belle trailing her.

Clearly, Ina is merely tolerating this foolishness.


Anonymous said...

It's like the equivalent of clowns in a volkswagon at the circus.

Anonymous said...

joann said...
Boy, it makes me want to go hide and come out when I hit the big one $$$$ !!!! Is'nt that so romantic of Sam and Ina and Belle-Belle had to ruin it!!