From top, Isabella (not caring about The Most Coveted Spot, rather hopeful for some tasty edible goodies), counterclockwise, Swoosie, in The Almost Most Coveted Spot, and Kiddo,
T.M.C.S. winner...for now.
Alas, you know how cruel girls can be. Soon Kiddo found herself displaced...
by Wheezy Jefferson, who we've already established is a saucy minx, and that kind always enjoys life's luxuries and more importantly, believes they deserve them. Wheezy can't even bother herself to interrupt her nap to give me an offended glare. She is blissfully unaware.
Ooolah, the cat, has found a new coveted spot of her own (notice the radiator, forgotten like last week's fad diet).
Laundry bags...with the guinea pigs laundry, no less (clean, of course!) is the item of the week. Whether overseeing her imaginary kingdom or lounging, Ooolah rarely strays from this new hangout.
If only she would contribute to the upkeep of her new spot by laundering the contents, but alas, there is much grooming to be done. Beauty doesn't maintain itself.
Looks cozy...I want a most coveted spot!
You'd have to fight for them...they are highly yearned for.
CAN you fight, anonymous?
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