Friday, March 14, 2008

Yes, Its Sam Again

Yet another post about Sam. Before you think that the other pigs are jealous, they're probably happy that Sam takes all of my attention away from them. The last thing they want is the human eye staring at them.

A couple of years ago, I found this shirt on clearance. It was originally for wee dogs, but I thought it would be perfect for a certain wee guinea pig.

Sam hasn't worn it in quite some time, and while I can't say he was thrilled about it the other times he wore it, he was really a beast about it last night.

Perhaps he feels that he has reached a certain age where he is above these costumes or that he recently had major surgery and should get to keep some dignity, but however he felt, he was having a fit. I thought he'd be flattered. It IS a Superman shirt.

So, I dusted off an old cat costume my previous kit-ten, the late, wonderful Sweetpea owned.

He's just luckly I couldn't find the tiara.

Sam, you could have been a superhero, now you're just a tranny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the princess outfit is Kryptonite to Sam.