with the breakdown of our...ahem,
my taxdollars (since I'm the only taxpayer in the house). The eleven non-humans are unapologetic welfare recipients. Too bad their lifestyles are subsidized by my personal fortune rather than the dollars of me
and my fellow citizens.

Although, I can certainly dream that Ooolah is reclining on a small slice of this tax dollar pie says, "Agirlandherpigs-pigs."
...well I see three pictures!!!
does the kit-ten know she looks fat in that second pic?
No, she doesn't. We turn the mirrors to face the wall in this house. For both human and kit-ten's sake.
joann said...
Well, well, well does'nt Ooolah, look very well taken of. You are her best Mommy!!! You are right, everything goes to the kids, and not you, what we have to do to suffer!!!! And by the way, she does not look fat, but a very happy and well taken care!
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