Sunday, December 30, 2007


This is The Ladies' hay bowl.

Five seconds before this picture was taken, all five ladies were happily eating the hay inside of it. I ruined it when I showed up with camera in hand. I had a post fermenting in my head about gluttony, and Swoosie, the eldest lady, had plopped herself right in the middle of the bowl, thereby keeping 75% of the hay away from everyone else.

Only Wheezy Jefferson was brave enough to keep eating throughout the others' stampede. And no, she doesn't usually douse herself with hay. That is the result of the other ladies running for their lives. I would say that Wheezy's mother didn't raise her to be a fool, but her mother is Swoosie, so that doesn't apply. I guess in her gut, she knew not cowering with the crowd would give her all of the rewards.

Kiddo realizes that Wheezy now has ALL OF THE HAY. Unthinkable!

Meanwhile, here's Swoosie...the very reason I tried to take the picture at all...hiding, and what a clever spot she chose tonight.

Perhaps a therapist can one day explain to me why I gravitate toward animals who are afraid of almost everything. What does that say about me? Nothing I can feel good about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year A girl and her pigs (and a cat)!