Thursday, December 13, 2007

It Could Be Worse - The Maggie Chronicles

While I'm keeping my germs to myself and avoiding my pets (much to their delight), I thought this would be a good time to share the shenanigans of My Most Faithful Reader and his disturbed, violent and perhaps in need of medication cat, Maggie aka Maggasaurus Rex:

Imagine hair, pointy ears and a tail and the above picture is pretty much what I imagine as I listen to My Most Faithful Reader scream and squeal while he dodges the attentions of his bloodthirsty kitty. In reality, this is the image Maggie chooses to show the world:
Just your average-looking, non-descript, run o' the mill cat. Nothing special here. A cat one could merely walk right past without a thought. Maggie is so very ordinary. Or is she?

Is this merely a ruse, a clevery disguise meant to camoflauge her true nature--blood lust and utter selfishness? Only in the dark arts does M-Rex become much more unique. This cat does not purr, cuddle or even meow. She's a silent force, lurking under beds and around corners--or even making her own dark hide-aways,

until one day, she snaps.

If only the firemen fighting that blaze could see what we see now, the expression of calm evil on one who knows that she has scored a point for the dark arts. Those firemen wouldn't bother to look to the humans for the answer to who caused that fire. If only they knew of this cat and her daily rage. Would you want to share a bed with such a loose cannon?

Sleep with one eye open, My Most Faithful Reader--especially because Maggie has been known to try to peel your eyelids off with her claws. And Good Luck to you. Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

She is sweetness personified. We're just going through growing pains during our first year together, much like you and Ooolah!

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, some cat has used the Confundus charm. Has anyone ever checked her left arm for the Dark Mark?