Friday, November 23, 2007

The Border War

The border war between Gustavo and Jonesy?

The border war between Sam and J.J? readers.

This Border War eclipses all pig tensions. It is a war that awes even those who fight over hay, pillows and igloos.

The Timid hide and pray but can merely wait for this battle to end.

This is a classic battle of Good versus Evil, Right Versus Wrong, Angels versus Devils, Civilized versus Barbaric, Groomed versus Filthy. Although not a battle specifically of pigs versus pigs, the latest chapter in this particular Border War will be a battle of the pigskin:

There is only ONE team to champion, dear readers:

Tonight, as you plan for your Saturday night revelries, mayhap filled with drunkeness, lewd behavior, acts of nudity and small thefts, please make this ONE choice for the purity of the nation. Before you leave for your night merrymaking, say a brief but heartfelt prayer for our stallwart men in crimson and blue, who go to battle tonight. Blanket them with your prayers of protection, so that you can continue to enjoy your carefree lives. Anyone reading this post who carries a torch for that team of black (and that's all I will acknowledge...BLACK), please save yourself. You clearly have a dreadful case of Devil-itis and must seek medical attention immediately.

Sam, the benevlolent, wise and powerful pig elder concocts a mighty spell to protect our men tonight.

The crystal ball glows with Lawrence in its belly. Good shall triumph. KU will be the victor.

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