Monday, January 28, 2008

Thank You, Auntie Ellen!

Sam wanted to throw out a big thanks to Ellen for his wonderful new blanket. Its perfect for lady-watching.

Clearly There's A Resemblance

The dark, soulful eyes, the thick and shiny hair, the gentle smile denoting extreme poweress over all circumstances. Why did it take me so long to figure out Sam's human equivalent?
Exactly the same.

Both Sam and George even share a characteristic common to distinguished older men:
The ever expanding, middle-aged man ears.

And we can't forget that both know how to charm the ladies:

But one area where Sam trumps George...
George probably doesn't have a flame motif decorating the hair on his butt.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Even The Kit-ten Is Disgusted

with the breakdown of our...ahem, my taxdollars (since I'm the only taxpayer in the house). The eleven non-humans are unapologetic welfare recipients. Too bad their lifestyles are subsidized by my personal fortune rather than the dollars of me and my fellow citizens.
Although, I can certainly dream that Ooolah is reclining on a small slice of this tax dollar pie says, "Agirlandherpigs-pigs."

It Could Be Worse - The Maggie Laundry Chronicles

My Most Faithful Reader has photographic proof of the abuse he suffers from that vicious minx, that throwback to prehistoric creatures, Maggasaurus Rex:

disguised in a furry form.

Clearly this reincarnated prehistoric creature is offended by what looks to be Smurfs boxers. Or perhaps she hates cleanliness. Or that fair-skinned Irish hand. Just so you don't think that Maggie's reputation is a bit overrated,

The words of Maggie's victim say it best:

"The first photo is hard to see, but it's a white arm through a white laundry basket over a white shirt attacking my white arm...second photo was immediately after the flash from the first photo pissed her off."

Not longer after this photographic series of violence, this little gem arrived via email:

Like she's eating her dinner and enjoying every second of it. Clearly M-Rex is becoming more comfortable with the camera capturing her bloodlust.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Best Wishes for a wonderful 2008. Those of you who know about this blog AND care enough to actually read it, deserve many blessings this year.

Although, this may be the end of 2007, we are still very much in the Chinese New Year...Year of the Pig, which ends February 6th. According to my Chinese horoscope, financial blessing will come to me during this last month, so GIMME MY BLESSINGS, PLEASE! If February 7th rolls around, and I'm sitting in poverty...expect an invitation to my pity party.